Sunday, February 13, 2011

Love on a Tuesday..... (Again)

I'm backkkkkkkkkk. First and foremost I'd like to extend my humblest apologies to you all for taking such a long time in between posts. It won't happen again friends. Soooooo once again it's February so you know I've got an issue to settle. And that issue is of course Valentines day or for some of you "Valintymes" lol. First of all for those of you with significant others that look forward to expanding your love on v-day please go do what you do and have an amazing time doing so.....::Eh ummm ::clears throat:: those of you (ladies) who make statements like I don't wanna be alone on v-day or I need a valentine because I'm supposed to have one. I pose this question ladies if you're lonely on the 11th, 12th, & 13 of February what difference does it make if you're alone on the 14th? I mean honestly what good does it do to let someone come in your life on false pretenses and build false hopes. Love is coming regardless if you do or don't have a valentine so just be patient don't let one day dictate your love life...............ok ok ok that's enough on the ladies because fellas do some silly ish around this time of year as well. Quick question guys how many of have a women who you think the world of I mean she's beautiful inside and out great personality smart she's the yin to your yang? Now that you have answered that question ask yourself when the last time you told her these things. Guys we gotta stop waiting until v-day to show women to tell how beautiful they are and how much they mean to us. Peep this fellas treat v-day like the Super Bowl of course its the ultimate goal but you cant get there with out a great regular season. Tell your girl she's beautiful on Tuesday because you know she is. Take her out to eat on a random Wednesday because she works hard all week and you know she deserves it. Send her flowers on Friday because your certain it will put a smile on her face. Stop waiting until valentines day to show your lady how you feel. That way no matter what you do on valentines day it's above and beyond because she already knows you love her through your actions not just because you sent it in a text. In other words you can't get to the Super Bowl if you have a losing season (and the Seahawks don't count lol). With all that said Happy Valentines Day friends