Sunday, February 13, 2011

Love on a Tuesday..... (Again)

I'm backkkkkkkkkk. First and foremost I'd like to extend my humblest apologies to you all for taking such a long time in between posts. It won't happen again friends. Soooooo once again it's February so you know I've got an issue to settle. And that issue is of course Valentines day or for some of you "Valintymes" lol. First of all for those of you with significant others that look forward to expanding your love on v-day please go do what you do and have an amazing time doing so.....::Eh ummm ::clears throat:: those of you (ladies) who make statements like I don't wanna be alone on v-day or I need a valentine because I'm supposed to have one. I pose this question ladies if you're lonely on the 11th, 12th, & 13 of February what difference does it make if you're alone on the 14th? I mean honestly what good does it do to let someone come in your life on false pretenses and build false hopes. Love is coming regardless if you do or don't have a valentine so just be patient don't let one day dictate your love life...............ok ok ok that's enough on the ladies because fellas do some silly ish around this time of year as well. Quick question guys how many of have a women who you think the world of I mean she's beautiful inside and out great personality smart she's the yin to your yang? Now that you have answered that question ask yourself when the last time you told her these things. Guys we gotta stop waiting until v-day to show women to tell how beautiful they are and how much they mean to us. Peep this fellas treat v-day like the Super Bowl of course its the ultimate goal but you cant get there with out a great regular season. Tell your girl she's beautiful on Tuesday because you know she is. Take her out to eat on a random Wednesday because she works hard all week and you know she deserves it. Send her flowers on Friday because your certain it will put a smile on her face. Stop waiting until valentines day to show your lady how you feel. That way no matter what you do on valentines day it's above and beyond because she already knows you love her through your actions not just because you sent it in a text. In other words you can't get to the Super Bowl if you have a losing season (and the Seahawks don't count lol). With all that said Happy Valentines Day friends

Friday, December 31, 2010

Progress is the Key

I want this to stop guys. For most of the people reading this, this is the first decade that we were active citizens in. For me personally I was raised in 90's but I grew up in the 2000's saw many things and did a lot of ish. Thas all great and it all sounds good and blah blah blah. Here's my issue we older now and every new year i find people (myself included) sayin that the previous year wasnt theirs but of course the upcoming year "they finna shine" stop it. Stop letting the change of the calander change ur outlook on life more than likely if ur reading this u were probably on the track to ur success 2 years ago so the fact that the year is about to change really makes no difference. Just continue to do u and jus like u do on March 17th (totally random day) With that said Happy New Year to you all and may all your dreams that are probably already in progress continue to PROgress.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I play video games

I love my xbox hell I even named her Xcenia I'll play it all day those are the types of games I like to play....However when it comes to real life situations i don't play games life isn't a game this ish is serious. The problem wit people my age is we (as a people) love to play games....Ladies a dude try to get at u, u find him attractive and like certain things about him but somethings wrong this is usually the part when u say "he cool but he don't have no game" Das stupid, hell he need game for u already like him it jus don't make sense....if a girl tells me i have no game I'm gonna say "sure I do I happen to own a xbox and a wii u tryna play???" ladies and gentlemen we all talk about how there are no good guys and no good women thas not the case the problem is we play to many "Games" look if u like someone tell em and if they like u back at that point all games are over now yaw can work toward building a quality existence.....we're are all good people caught in fear of settling but who says ur settling cuz u talk to the first person that comes along. Maybe ur not settling maybe ur just winning before everyone else let's figure it out before it's to late

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Bad Homies

Ok my bad blog fam, there isn't really much to say. It's not that I've forgotten about yaw, it's just that I didn't think people were really reading this so I fell back. But that goes against why I began blogging in the first place. It doesn't matter who reads it or who puts it to use, all that matters is that whoever may need it has it at there disposal. So with that said ThaBoss is back let's blog

Conform vs. Compromise

I think that relationships are a great thing, and when they are done properly they are a beautiful thing to watch and or be a part of. However, I think that most of us (reading this post) are still very young and experiencing love for the first time, or are looking for a chance to experience it for the first time. This in my opinion is why a lot of relationships lack some key components that make a relationship successful. We can argue all day on what we think the most important aspect of a relationship is but seeing as how this is my blog I'm gonna save you the trouble and tell you. Of course there are obvious things like honesty, trust, and respect. Those things should go without saying and if they don't then you need to re-evaluate what you're doing in the first place. The element in relationships that I think is overlooked is compromise. Which is not to be confused with conforming. For those who are confused about this, fear not because I'm going to do my best to explain it. I feel that some people think that if things are going bad in a relationship they can fix it by doing anything they can to make their mate feel nothing is wrong. For example, Dave hates that Jane goes through his phone, but instead of Dave telling Jane how much this bothers him, he goes along with it pretending that it doesn't bother him which allows Jane to think that everything is ok. Uhhhhh no, this is a perfect example of a person conforming to their mate to make things seem ok when obviously they are not. You can't pretend that everything is ok in your relationship because that's just what your relationship will be "pretend." This type
of things gets people hurt, and brings good relationships to an end. On the other hand if you give compromise an honest chance I believe that it gives your relationship validity and authenticity. Before I bring this to a close I feel I should some what explain what I mean when I say compromise. Usually in a compromising situation someone is doing something they generally don't want to do. What makes it different from conforming is that you should be able to tell your mate that although you don't want to do what they are asking, you are willing to go with it because you see that it clearly
means a great deal to them. This will more than likely start a cycle
of communication and honesty, that all but guarantees you a healthy relationship or at least a chance at one. So those of you that are in relationships ask yourself this question. Do you Compromise or Conform? Hopefully you can figure it out before it's too late. Until next time, stay classy

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Who Got This???

"irreplaceable"- Beyonce, "Got her Own" - Jamie Foxx, "Miss Independent" - Ne-Yo........ How many of you ladies like these songs? It's cool raise your hand no ones watching. These songs are good and send a great message and if you agree with them and practice what these songs preach shoutout to you. As a young man I'm starting to notice that young women like what these songs are saying as long as it's convient. How you ask? Quick question ladies when is the last time you called your man and told him to get ready because your taking him out? Oh don't worry I'll wait. Now now now ladies hold on don't get me wrong this isn't about men being cheap and not wanting to pay this is more about women not at all wanting to compromise. And if you follow my blog you should know that IMO love is built on truth and compromise. Ladies if you have a man and yaw in a calander year go on let's say 60 dates please tell me why your man has to pay for all 60. Come on now what kind of love is that. And girls are ruthless when it comes to dates. They can know full well that you get paid on the 13th but hound you about going out on the 10th. Now let your man say "baby I'd love to go out but I don't get paid until Monday so we can go but your gonna have to pay" I bet 7 out of 10 times yaw will be at home watchin blackbuster movies on BET. Which brings me back to the songs I mentioned earlier, are you really practicing what those songs preach or does it just sound good. Now because I'm such a cool guy I'm gonna let you ladies in on a little secret. Now guys are simple creatures who usualy enjoy little things. if you were to ask a guy on one date and pay that guy is gonna take on endless dates and tell you not to even bring a purse because you've shown him a very rare form of loyalty. An even bigger secret is if you attempt to pay the male ego will usually not allow you to. Again we like little things so the fact that you offered is so flattering to us that it makes us want to pay more. Now guys are probably wondering "why would he tell them this" well guys because the reality is that even though I just gave very helpful information the combination of the female ego and their general love for Beyonce will not allow them to use it. So to answer the general question of "who got this" at the end of the day the man should pay 8.5/10 times but those are just numbers the real answer is found through compromise which you should have with the one you love.

P.S. I would like to persoanlly thank @Raethoven (follow her via Twitter) for blessing me with the creative inspiration to write this blog I hope it was effective for the question she asked

Tuesday, January 19, 2010