I think that relationships are a great thing, and when they are done properly they are a beautiful thing to watch and or be a part of. However, I think that most of us (reading this post) are still very young and experiencing love for the first time, or are looking for a chance to experience it for the first time. This in my opinion is why a lot of relationships lack some key components that make a relationship successful. We can argue all day on what we think the most important aspect of a relationship is but seeing as how this is my blog I'm gonna save you the trouble and tell you. Of course there are obvious things like honesty, trust, and respect. Those things should go without saying and if they don't then you need to re-evaluate what you're doing in the first place. The element in relationships that I think is overlooked is compromise. Which is not to be confused with conforming. For those who are confused about this, fear not because I'm going to do my best to explain it. I feel that some people think that if things are going bad in a relationship they can fix it by doing anything they can to make their mate feel nothing is wrong. For example, Dave hates that Jane goes through his phone, but instead of Dave telling Jane how much this bothers him, he goes along with it pretending that it doesn't bother him which allows Jane to think that everything is ok. Uhhhhh no, this is a perfect example of a person conforming to their mate to make things seem ok when obviously they are not. You can't pretend that everything is ok in your relationship because that's just what your relationship will be "pretend." This type
of things gets people hurt, and brings good relationships to an end. On the other hand if you give compromise an honest chance I believe that it gives your relationship validity and authenticity. Before I bring this to a close I feel I should some what explain what I mean when I say compromise. Usually in a compromising situation someone is doing something they generally don't want to do. What makes it different from conforming is that you should be able to tell your mate that although you don't want to do what they are asking, you are willing to go with it because you see that it clearly
means a great deal to them. This will more than likely start a cycle
of communication and honesty, that all but guarantees you a healthy relationship or at least a chance at one. So those of you that are in relationships ask yourself this question. Do you Compromise or Conform? Hopefully you can figure it out before it's too late. Until next time, stay classy
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