Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"What Women Want"

I'm a guy that happens to like romantic comedies aye aye aye don't judge me I love dry humor and those movies tend to carry a lot of it. That's neither here nor there the point is I was watching a good one the other day "What Women Want" and it got me thinking. That friends is a quality question. Of course I could just easily make a blog and ask the simple question of what women actually want, but you and I both know I'm gonna get a bunch of perfect cliché' answers and that's no fun. I imagine I would receive a bunch of young ladies telling me they want a man that's educated, good job prospects, no kids great teeth, gives good head, has his own place, can cook, holds you late at night, nice car, and doesn't play Xbox. HAHAHA ::Fabe Laugh:: ladies there are two problems with this first of all more than likely this guy doesn't exist, and second that isn't what you really want it may be what you tell people but is it really what you want? Here's the reality, there are lot of things women want but they usually don't want them all at once. And most the time the guy you actually talk to is worlds away from your "ideal" guy. Realistically women want a lot of the something’s guys want mainly good sex. It's a kind of a known fact. It's super easy for a girl to say I'm looking for "Mr. Right" because the whole time she's looking she is getting sexual favors from 1-3 guys. Where women win is they keep this ish PRIVATE they will have you thinking they are going through the drought 6. Righttttttt here's my personal opinion pretty girls never go through droughts because they are pretty and can usually have any guy they want. Ugly girls (or should I say looks deficient) girls don't go through droughts because what they lack in looks they usually make up for in the bed/hotel room. All the while these girls are looking for "Mr. Right" who they really have no interest in, and why should they looking for him and having tons of fun is easier less stressful and just more fun. So to answer the question "what do women want" the real answer is I don't know the plus side to that is they don't either. Think about it lol

P.S. This isn't all women there are people that wanna settle down (for the time being) and some that already have if you’re one of them hey enjoy it. There are also women that go through droughts as a personal choice and that's fine too.

P.S.S. Don't worry ladies "what men want" is on the way

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Its Not That Hard

If you follow my blog and you're a girl you should be pissed I've been very tough on the young women of my generation and no one has said anything well this blog will not follow suit. This time it's about the fellas, and fellas we gotta do better. As a species we have really got to stop cheating. Now if your one of those guys that just read that and said "man this dude gay he a punk" then you need to grow up and pay attention because ten times outta nine I'm talking to you. It's 2010 and I know that these days in our society the more women you have the cooler you are. And that's fine if you are single I urge you to have all the protected sex you can, hey if she says yes have a ball. Single guys with alot of girls is not a problem. It's guys that commit themselves to young women and are bussin down the first chik they see the first chance they get that's the problem. Fellas it is not cool breaking a womans heart I don't care what the hottest rapper says. It does not make you anymore of a man because you are in a committed relationship and you have other girls on the side. Bruhs it's 2010 girls are so afraid of being hurt that most girls will let you just crash without commitment because they know you're gonna cheat. It's sad but true, but thats not good enough you need her to commit so of course you assure her that your in this foreal and she has nothing to worry about. Then of course you've got this girl at home and you're out breaking her heart every chance you get. What's worse is with all the cheating you do you find a way to justify it but if you find your girl with so much as a new guys number you're ready go upside her head. Seriously where is the logic in that. Look guys were young and I'm not saying you have to start looking for a wife but we are getting older and I say if you're gonna commit to a young lady even if it's a small commitment be a man and stick to it. I'm my opinion as cool as you think it is to go behind your girl back it's way cooler if you have a girl and your approached and you say "I'm flattered but I'm in a committed relationship" you are way cooler and you can take that to the bank.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Losing Faith

I'm losing faith in women. (Hold it right there if u in anyway think my first sentence has anything to do wit me not being attracted to women please exit my blog and jump off the nearest cliff) Ive never been a womanizer or a guy that had hoes it's jus not in my make up. I grew up with a dad that tought me that I didn't own a woman and that women were to be treated with the upmost respect pops would say "son no matter what, u treat women the way I treat ur mother, u don't see me cussing at her and disrespecting her, so don't u do it." For 22 years I've kept that tip in the back of my head because it seemed right. As I get older I'm starting to wonder if pops was right. Maybe thas how women were originally supposed treated but history shows that times can and usually do change. So am I stuck in the past thinking that women want to b treated like queens. Now of course any woman that reads this will be quick to comment and say "no ur right i wanna be treated like a queen and I wanna be respected" of course u do I mean who wouldn't say that but do ur actions match ur quick judgment more than likely not. How many of you stay with the guy u know is doggin u and consistantly treats u like trash cuz he got money, cuz the sex is amazing, cuz he's so fine, or my fav cuz u just love him so much. If u do anyone of those things please think twice before u comment on my blog. It's u women that are making me question my faith in women. Ladies if the need to be loved overshadows the love u have for urself then drop out of the race cuz uve lost. This blog isn't about me being upset about my love life or about me tryin to be this new mean guy that caught a recent bad break. This is about women picking guys that don't treat them right and when they finally leave makin the next guy pay for all the bad ish that previously happen to her. This blog is about women who want the guy wit all the game,money, and attituted. Here's my question if u want thy type of guy but there aren't many yet uve lucked up and found one don't u ever wonder who else has him??? Hmmmmmmmmmmm that would make me wonder but hey I'm just sayin. Yea in losing faith in women but I sure hope I meet someone who can restore that faith and make me believe what my dads been teaching me all my life. I may already know her but will out paths cross ::shrugs:: I'm not sure but if I meet her yaw will know.

P.S. There are still good men and women out here these are broad and general statements so please keep that in mind should u decided to comment