Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"What Women Want"

I'm a guy that happens to like romantic comedies aye aye aye don't judge me I love dry humor and those movies tend to carry a lot of it. That's neither here nor there the point is I was watching a good one the other day "What Women Want" and it got me thinking. That friends is a quality question. Of course I could just easily make a blog and ask the simple question of what women actually want, but you and I both know I'm gonna get a bunch of perfect cliché' answers and that's no fun. I imagine I would receive a bunch of young ladies telling me they want a man that's educated, good job prospects, no kids great teeth, gives good head, has his own place, can cook, holds you late at night, nice car, and doesn't play Xbox. HAHAHA ::Fabe Laugh:: ladies there are two problems with this first of all more than likely this guy doesn't exist, and second that isn't what you really want it may be what you tell people but is it really what you want? Here's the reality, there are lot of things women want but they usually don't want them all at once. And most the time the guy you actually talk to is worlds away from your "ideal" guy. Realistically women want a lot of the something’s guys want mainly good sex. It's a kind of a known fact. It's super easy for a girl to say I'm looking for "Mr. Right" because the whole time she's looking she is getting sexual favors from 1-3 guys. Where women win is they keep this ish PRIVATE they will have you thinking they are going through the drought 6. Righttttttt here's my personal opinion pretty girls never go through droughts because they are pretty and can usually have any guy they want. Ugly girls (or should I say looks deficient) girls don't go through droughts because what they lack in looks they usually make up for in the bed/hotel room. All the while these girls are looking for "Mr. Right" who they really have no interest in, and why should they looking for him and having tons of fun is easier less stressful and just more fun. So to answer the question "what do women want" the real answer is I don't know the plus side to that is they don't either. Think about it lol

P.S. This isn't all women there are people that wanna settle down (for the time being) and some that already have if you’re one of them hey enjoy it. There are also women that go through droughts as a personal choice and that's fine too.

P.S.S. Don't worry ladies "what men want" is on the way

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