Thursday, January 7, 2010

Its Not That Hard

If you follow my blog and you're a girl you should be pissed I've been very tough on the young women of my generation and no one has said anything well this blog will not follow suit. This time it's about the fellas, and fellas we gotta do better. As a species we have really got to stop cheating. Now if your one of those guys that just read that and said "man this dude gay he a punk" then you need to grow up and pay attention because ten times outta nine I'm talking to you. It's 2010 and I know that these days in our society the more women you have the cooler you are. And that's fine if you are single I urge you to have all the protected sex you can, hey if she says yes have a ball. Single guys with alot of girls is not a problem. It's guys that commit themselves to young women and are bussin down the first chik they see the first chance they get that's the problem. Fellas it is not cool breaking a womans heart I don't care what the hottest rapper says. It does not make you anymore of a man because you are in a committed relationship and you have other girls on the side. Bruhs it's 2010 girls are so afraid of being hurt that most girls will let you just crash without commitment because they know you're gonna cheat. It's sad but true, but thats not good enough you need her to commit so of course you assure her that your in this foreal and she has nothing to worry about. Then of course you've got this girl at home and you're out breaking her heart every chance you get. What's worse is with all the cheating you do you find a way to justify it but if you find your girl with so much as a new guys number you're ready go upside her head. Seriously where is the logic in that. Look guys were young and I'm not saying you have to start looking for a wife but we are getting older and I say if you're gonna commit to a young lady even if it's a small commitment be a man and stick to it. I'm my opinion as cool as you think it is to go behind your girl back it's way cooler if you have a girl and your approached and you say "I'm flattered but I'm in a committed relationship" you are way cooler and you can take that to the bank.

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