Sunday, January 3, 2010

Losing Faith

I'm losing faith in women. (Hold it right there if u in anyway think my first sentence has anything to do wit me not being attracted to women please exit my blog and jump off the nearest cliff) Ive never been a womanizer or a guy that had hoes it's jus not in my make up. I grew up with a dad that tought me that I didn't own a woman and that women were to be treated with the upmost respect pops would say "son no matter what, u treat women the way I treat ur mother, u don't see me cussing at her and disrespecting her, so don't u do it." For 22 years I've kept that tip in the back of my head because it seemed right. As I get older I'm starting to wonder if pops was right. Maybe thas how women were originally supposed treated but history shows that times can and usually do change. So am I stuck in the past thinking that women want to b treated like queens. Now of course any woman that reads this will be quick to comment and say "no ur right i wanna be treated like a queen and I wanna be respected" of course u do I mean who wouldn't say that but do ur actions match ur quick judgment more than likely not. How many of you stay with the guy u know is doggin u and consistantly treats u like trash cuz he got money, cuz the sex is amazing, cuz he's so fine, or my fav cuz u just love him so much. If u do anyone of those things please think twice before u comment on my blog. It's u women that are making me question my faith in women. Ladies if the need to be loved overshadows the love u have for urself then drop out of the race cuz uve lost. This blog isn't about me being upset about my love life or about me tryin to be this new mean guy that caught a recent bad break. This is about women picking guys that don't treat them right and when they finally leave makin the next guy pay for all the bad ish that previously happen to her. This blog is about women who want the guy wit all the game,money, and attituted. Here's my question if u want thy type of guy but there aren't many yet uve lucked up and found one don't u ever wonder who else has him??? Hmmmmmmmmmmm that would make me wonder but hey I'm just sayin. Yea in losing faith in women but I sure hope I meet someone who can restore that faith and make me believe what my dads been teaching me all my life. I may already know her but will out paths cross ::shrugs:: I'm not sure but if I meet her yaw will know.

P.S. There are still good men and women out here these are broad and general statements so please keep that in mind should u decided to comment


  1. My man..(Frank Lucus voice).. #shoutout for hitting this on the head. I'm dealing with the same prob.. In my short time with my father in my life that's the number 1 thing he taught me. Respect others & yourself, especially women but now days they dont make that easy.. Im @ a point in my life where things could quite possibly change financially and overall physically for me. With that said and taking the actions of women into account based on this blog, it makes me want to do nothing more than to "live hoe to hoe" if that makes sense and for a lack of a better term. How women act now doesnt make me want to treat a woman like a queen. Shoo I never been a multi-chick type of dude but as of late b/c of the bullshit i've been hit with in relationships i've had to force myself to meet lady friend after lady friend , and sometimes even go as low as just telling her what she wants to hear instead being real... I'm personally tired of it and I wanna step back out on my Limb where I was elite when came to how women are treated but im tired of women abusing that..

  2. "ladies if the need to be loved overshadows the love u have for urself then drop out of the race cuz uve lost"

    preach! i just blogged about this. your right though. most women would rather have a "bad guy" then a good guy. its dumb but thats how most females are. (myself -- i don't take shit from anyone so the minute im disrespected its a wrap. i dont care how "in love" i think im in.

    about women being treated like queens its hard because the girls we see most men flocking to are the very opposite of that. thats why you see half of the state of indiana trying to be models and "make it" not realizing how dumb they look. but the same goes for "kings" there are very few of them left. why should a woman treat him like a king when he isnt doing anything worthy of honoring? ..i can go on for days..
    great post
